For Corporates

As corporations around the world steadily increase their investment in RE solutions, we bring to your insights crucial to making informed choices in your sustainability journey.

Wind energy: Potential for the future

  The world is quickly shifting to renewable energy sources, with wind power emerging as a key contender in the fight against climate change. Global statistics and estimates for wind energy illustrate its enormous potential and crucial role

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LATEST Insights

Data Centre Proposition

Data centers are growing at an unprecedented rate with further impetus from data localization policies; 3X growth in power demand by FY25

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Green Insights

Data Centre Proposition Data Centre Proposition

Data Centre Proposition

Data centers are growing at an unprecedented rate with further impetus from data localization policies; 3X growth in power demand by FY25

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Pharma Proposition Pharma Proposition

Pharma Proposition

Indian pharma industry is growing at a ~10% CAGR; Power demand is expected to grow by 1.5x by 2025

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FMCG Proposition FMCG Proposition

FMCG Proposition

Indian FMCG industry’s electricity demand is expected to increase to 3x by 2025, in-line with the growth in overall market size

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Wind energy: Potential for the future

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Why proper installation of panels is the key to maximizing the potential of solar energy

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ReNew’s Jaipur Solar Manufacturing Plant: Setting New Benchmarks in Sustainable Innovation

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  • ReNew Green Solution (RGS) is a part of ReNew, which is owned by ReNew Energy Global Plc (NASDAQ: RNW). RGS helps the Commercial and Industrial (C&I) establishments in their transition towards clean energy to reduce their scope 2 emissions and support them to achieve their NetZero commitments

    Scope II Emissions: Scope II emissions are indirect Green House Gas (GHG) emissions associated with the purchase of electricity, steam, heat, or cooling.

    Reduce energy costs: Currently, the cost of cleaner form of energy especially wind and solar power is lower than the cost of conventional form of energy. Adopting cleaner of energy thereby can help reduce the cost of energy.

    Improve Customer Appeal: A recent report commissioned by World Wide Fund for nature (WWF) revealed that Consumers are changing their behaviour, with searches for sustainable goods increasing globally by 71% since 2016. In India, there is a 190% increase in engagement and awareness about the devastating impact of the loss of nature. In a 2019 online survey, 50% of respondents worldwide said they switched products or services because a company violated their values related to nature. Adopting cleaner form of energy, thereby, help promote customer appeal of the business.

    Cater to Regulatory Requirements: C&I can claim the green power against regulatory requirements such as Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPOs) as imposed by local DISCOMs for open access / captive power purchase. Considering C&I establishment contributes to half of India’s power consumption, adopting cleaner form of energy by C&I can help meet India its clean energy targets.

    We have multiple offerings including Solar, Wind, Hydro, Hybrid and RTC which can be customized to suit the requirements of the C&I establishment.

    My Green: Consists of onsite solar solutions, this solution can maximize savings by utilizing unused plant space, including rooftops. Though this solution is very cost effective, it has a low greening potential of 0-5% of your energy. All the states have mature policies and regulations. The tech is also mature but is limited to the physical space available inside the facility making this solution an easy win and the first step in your greening journey.

    Green Touch: Consists of pure-play solar / wind Open Access solutions. This solution has a limited greening quotient of around 20-30%. The power reliability is intermittent in nature whereas the technology is mature given that the solutions have been around for a long time. Cost savings are limited in this solution due to the lower amount of power they are able to replace. However, most of the states in India have mature regulatory policies around this solution

    Green Advanced: Consists of Open Access solution blending wind & solar to achieve higher greening of around 50-70%. ReNew’s proprietary solution engine achieves higher RE units per MW of PPA while maximizing savings. The power reliability is intermittent in nature whereas the technology has been pioneered by ReNew to maximize the output. High cost savings for clients in this solution due to the higher amount of power they are able to replace. Considering this solution has recently picked traction among customer, most of the states are in process of releasing policies around this solution.

    Green Pro: ReNew’s cutting-edge open access solution-integrating hybrid plant with upcoming sources hydro / green hydrogen / exchange. ReNew’s proprietary solution engine ensures reliable round-the-clock green power with 100% reliability and 80-90% of greening. Evolving tech for bundled source (~20-30% component) while replacing a larger quantum with higher overall cost savings. This solution is especially suitable for Data centers seeking round-the-clock power and high degree of greening.

    Green Max:Virtual contracts to offset brown power. ReNew’s provides 100% unbundled green attributes. No physical setup changes needed with plants already entering execution phase. 100% greening can be achieved with this solution. Two solutions are currently prevalent in this category: International Renewable Energy Certificates (I-RECs) and Virtual Power Purchase Agreement (vPPA). Limited savings in solution. Caters more to voluntary or regulatory requirements of greening. I-RECs has a more mature regulation around it compared to the evolving regulations surrounding vPPAs.