Data Centre Proposition

Data Center

Renewable Energy Solutions for Data Centers

Data centers are growing at an unprecedented rate with further impetus from data localization policies; 3X growth in power demand by FY25



No. of active internet users in the country (#)


14,263 GWh Of clean energy produced in FY'22, enough to power 4M Indian households annually


Investments into data centers in India (INR)


11 M Tons Carbon emissions avoided through our operations


No. of large-scale data centers in India (#)


Solar PV


Market Size of Data center indus


Solar PV


Industry power demand3


Data localization policy has enabled investments in data storage and protection in the country

As Quoted By

Data Localization policies would aid the growth of the data center and the cloud computing industries in India.


The Indian data center market is booming off the back of ever-growing data consumption and the data localization requirements of Indian laws.

-Light Reading

The Indian data center market by investment is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 12% during 2020-26.

-Global Newswire

Future-ready Hybrid clubbed with Virtual Greening to provide 100% greening as well as significant commercial benefit

Solar Panel 1 Green Touch
Windmill 2 Green Advanced
Solar 3 Green Pro
Bio Energy 4 Green Max
  • Greening potential
    100% (In combination with option 2/3 or standalone)
  • Power Reliability & Technological maturity
    Intermittent power; Mature tech.
    Intermittent power; Mature tech.
    RTC power; Evolving tech for bundled source (~20- 30% component)
    vPPA emerging in Indian market; iRECs more mature
  • Cost saving & tariff reliability
    Limited saving; tariff locked
    High saving; tariff locked
    High saving; tariff locked for RE; uncertainty in tariff for bundled source (~20- 30% component)
    Limited saving; variable tariff in vPPA
  • Regulatory support
    Most states have mature policies
    Hybrid policies upcoming in states with RE potential
    Hybrid policies upcoming in states with RE potential
    iRECs more mature; vPPA evolving
  • Favourable Context
    Limited greening requirement; coupled with current sources of power
    Befits Data centers looking for stable power with commercial benefits and high degree of greening
    Suitable for Data centers seeking round-the-clock power and high degree of greening
    Suitable for Data centers with high focus on 100% greening

For a greenfield data center – 100% greening solution provided by ReNew

1 Client situation

The client is embarking on a phased, multi-year installation of data centers

  • 1 The client will set up hyperscale data centers, with a long-term capacity installation target of 200+ MW
  • 2 With power forming a core component of data center cost, high savings against grid are criticaL
  • 3 The client’s own customers prioritize 100% RE solutions, insisting on a 100% green data center

2 Contribution of each source for 100% greening

Solution designed provided 100% greening; through physical power and/or green credits purchase

Contribution Chart

3 Our preferred solution achieves 100% green power

Our preferred solution provides strategic advantage as well as ~25% savings

  • 1 Greening holds strategic importance for almost all data center clients, hence it adds to the overall value proposition
  • 2 Savings of up to ~25% on account of lower power costs
  • 3 Investment in renewables will help future-proof the cost base from shocks, adding predictability for the contract perio