Social Responsibility

ReNew’s India Initiative drives social transformation programs that empower communities through education and sustainable means of livelihood, and help fulfill the global agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Charanka, Gujarat

Nurturing Nature, Empowering Humanity, Transforming Society

Our Approach

Beyond Compliance

While all CSR interventions shall fully comply with the relevant laws of the land in which they operate, they will strive to meet core needs, even if it is beyond what is mandated.


Interventions will focus on the impact on communities, and to this end, all companies will work collaboratively and synergistically on a set of agreed ReNew Initiatives.

Linked to Business

All companies may seek business benefits and leverage their core competencies while undertaking CSR activities. However, community benefits will have to be paramount and clearly defined.

Relevant to National & Local Contexts

The CSR initiatives must be closely aligned with and relevant to the local and national contexts in which the company is located.

Sustainable Development Principles

All CSR interventions will follow sustainable development principles - they will factor social, human rights and environmental impacts in their design and execution.

Participative & Bottom-up

Communities must be central to the interventions and they must be actively involved in identifying the issues to be addressed and in the management and monitoring of the interventions.

Focused on the Disadvantaged

Special care must be taken to ensure that the needs of the most disadvantaged in the community - in terms of gender, ethnicity, disability and occupation - are addressed.

Strategic & Built to Last

By design, all CSR initiatives shall ensure that communities can sustain them on their own, beyond the involvement of the ReNew. Hence, the initiatives must be part of a long-term CSR strategy.


All CSR interventions will be done in partnership with institutions that are close to the ground - community organisations, NGOs, companies (within & outside the ReNew) and government: local, state and central.

Opportunities for Volunteering

The CSR initiatives will be designed to provide a range of volunteering opportunities for ReNew.

Flagship Programs

ReNew Foundation ReNew Foundation

ReNew Foundation is the philanthropic arm of ReNew that works towards creating sustainable communities by providing access to clean energy. Through programmatic interventions across areas like climate education, clean cooking, and nature-based solutions, ReNew Foundation aims to chalk out the next chapter of human development in India through clean energy.
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